Monday, March 19, 2007

If You Can't Beat 'Em

Australian - English "Business Speak" Dictionary

(with Australian on the left)

"All over" (syn. "all across") (adj) = "Up to speed on"
"Catch up with" (v) = "Have a meeting with"
"Present" (v) = "Tell", "Say", "Discuss", "Communicate" (NB - "present" is frequently used as an intransitive verb ... e.g. "Richard's not here for next month's meeting, so I'll have to present instead.")
"would quite like" (v) = "must not fail to provide, upon pain of sacking" (NB - for added emphasis, "would really like" can be used)
"war story" (n) = "past example to illustrate discussion point"
"extrenuous" (adj) = "extraneous" (this might be just one particular person saying this one - it's starting to be on a par with "Where are the model points?" for me)
"objective criteria" (n) = "whoever shouts loudest / has most influence / asks most politely"
"solved problem" (n) = "problem which has been looked at in a cursory manner and a possible solution has been suggested, but which will take many months to actually implement and requires significant further work before a complete answer can be given" (Personal gripe here. A quote from Friday : "Chris has solved problem X." Chris's version : "Chris has identified a problem exists, and has been able to find one thing which explains around 25% of the error, but has many disagreeing sources of data to reconcile (5 - all different but purporting to be the same!) before he can progress any further towards deciding which one, if any, is actually right." Fine if this means I get credit for doing a fraction of the work needed, but there's an obvious catch to that if the problem occurs again.)

Some other things I've found odd or difficult to get to grips with.

  • It's dark when I get up in the morning now! (I know this happens in England too, but because of when I came here, and the fact I used to get up later in the UK, it's been about a year since it last happened to me.)
  • The heat. It's not nearly as bad as it was in Jan and Feb, but now it's more the way it builds throughout the day. Many times I've noticed that it's hotter when I'm leaving the office in the early evening than it was at lunchtime, and once or twice, it's been hotter still at sunset.
  • Personal space. Hadn't really noticed this one till the last few weeks, but Australians, while their "default" personal space is of a similar size to that in Britain, they're relatively uncaring if that does get invaded. Several times people have brushed against my hand in a way that would probably have led to a criminal investigation if I'd initiated it. One guy appeared not to even see me until he banged his head on my chin when the tram braked sharply. And tonight's jam-packed tram, where the driver had to ask some people to get off and take the next tram because he couldn't close the doors, was quite unbelievable.
  • Spiders. Saw my first significantly-sized one in the house on Saturday, and was surprisingly unmoved by it. Would have been a different story if it had been this one however! (Jumping?!)

    And finally...I think I'm safe from being evicted if the landlord sells the house, as is his current intention. He showed some people round today (which gave me a good incentive to finally unpack everything and give the place a good tidy!) and gave me the impression there are several others on the way. According to my reading of the tenancy agreement and of the stuff I was given when I moved in, I don't think the agreement can be ended before its official end date unless I'm a bad tenant.
  • 1 comment:

    Drew Stephenson said...

    yep, that spider gives me the willies.