Thursday, October 19, 2006

Both Ends Against The Middle

Like the previous post, it's taken me quite a while to get round to writing this one too!

The Middle

Today I'm halfway between returning from Venezuela and leaving for Australia. Yes, that's right, I have a (semi-)definitive departure date! 4th November will be my last day in this green and pleasant land for at least 2 years, barring incidents and accidents. Of which more below.

Both Ends (see "Burning the Candle at")

I'm fairly sure that I'm not handling the stress of all of this very well. I've had atypical and pretty severe lapses of memory, including forgetting to MOT my car today, and telling everyone about the handover date I'd agreed for one of my team with their new manager, except for the staff member concerned! Something is going to snap at some point in the next 2 weeks, and I'm guessing one of four possibilities, which will remain secret.

The Other End

The "fin de siecle" feeling has really started to hit me in the last few days too. I often feel this when there's a precipitous and irreversible change in the offing, and I have the urge to try to remember everything with crystal clarity. It happened when leaving school and uni, moving out of my parents' house, buying my own home, and several other times.

There's Jimbobjo's last quiz on Monday, my penultimate badminton last night (and given the exceptional quality of the games we played, especially the 20-19 epic, next week can't help but be an anticlimactic finale), only one more Swan and 2 OWS quizzes to go to, Flic's last day tomorrow ... there are some people I'm sure I've seen or spoken to for the last time ever in the past few days.

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