Friday, October 27, 2006

Reality and Realty Bite

So much for the first sentence of my last post. Today's been horrible - I was in work at 8 trying to get in touch with Pickfords about my move (no luck till after 1!), I had no less than 3 email requests for stupid information, and I've still not managed to organise my leaving party. I really have to do that tomorrow if I want anyone to turn up!

I'm getting to the point now where I feel like I'm on my last reserves of energy, and I don't have much left. I really hope I make it through to next Saturday without snapping. Someone told me today he'd had a dream that I "went postal" at work, and started shouting at everyone for being idiots. I wasn't sure whether I should tell him that his dream probably had a 50/50 chance of coming true in the next few days.

Kathleen and Nadya, who are renting my flat as soon as I leave, came round tonight to go through all sorts of exciting admin like when the bins are collected, where the electricity meter is and how long the shower will run for before tripping the fuse. I think that one worried them the most - "12 minutes? That's not enough time to put on conditioner!" I did get to paraphrase Coupling in response - "It's never been a problem for me - I don't have showers for recreational purposes!"

Once Pickfords did get back to me after lunch, they said they offered me tomorrow as a date, which was what I was after. So I and my parents have spent much of the evening putting the finishing touches to the work of the last 2 months. Everything's in one of five categories now - "Staying In Flat", "Going Into Storage", "Shipping to Australia", "Going In Suitcase With Me on Plane" and "Other." "Other" includes sub-categories such as Throwing Away, Giving to Charity, Giving to Friends/Family, Getting Parents to Sell (this one contains my car!), Not Sure Yet and Other. The latter might appear somewhat superfluous, given I'm already in the top-level Other category, but I never like to close off my classification schemas - I might want to add something into a new cateogry later on!

Seeing everything set out like that has made me a little sad. All the walls are bare, there are blank spaces everywhere that should have things in them and some of the things I've packed I won't see again for several months (Shipping to Australia) or even years (Going into Storage). I've spent just over 3 years here, and I'll really miss it - York too.

It's also made the enormity of what I'm doing next weekend hit home.

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